Andrea Giraldo
Small Business Development Chair
Andrea Giraldo has worked in the private and public sector, both in Colombia and the U.S., spending the last eighteen years in the latter. Much of her professional background has been concentrated in marketing, business management and development, as well as some exposure to social media marketing and consumer goods. Through her experience with the SBDC specifically, she has been a certified business advisor for over nine years. Andrea has worked in-depth on a multitude of complex business strategies, solving the many needs of her clients, which include: business planning, loan packaging/financing, marketing, business development, innovation. With her bilingual and bicultural skillset, she has been able to assist many Spanish speaking clients, while delivering a number of presentations and workshops in Spanish and English. She has also been a guest of Telemundo, BronxNet, Optimum Business and Univision’s evening news to discuss business topics, government policy. A recipient of accolades and awards, from an array of organizations such as the Hudson Valley’s Business Women of the Year 2018. Besides the multiple workshops and training programs mentioned, as an adjunct she has facilitated a number of business courses, at Westchester Community College, and served for two years as the head facilitator to the Citi Foundation’s Entrepreneurship Program at WEDC in Westchester NY. Andrea is also the owner of Giraldo Farms, a coffee brand launched out of the love to her The intersection of entrepreneurship and business creation is where her interest lies, which is the driving force for her to provide advisement to entrepreneurs and business owners domestically and internationally. Currently, she serves as a member of the board of directors for the Arts Council of Rockland County, a member of the Hispanic Advisory Committee at the micro-lender Community Capital New York, as well as board member at the New York City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Giraldo attained a graduate certificate in marketing from Duke University. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business & Economic Development from Fordham University, and a masters in social business & entrepreneurship, from the London School of Economics.Follow me Social media