Jose Perez
NYCHCC Bronx Chapter President
Jose Perez, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Mastermind Ltd., is one of those community-based businessmen that have always believed in the Bronx. He views the borough as a mosaic of solid, hardworking and economically healthy neighborhoods and he works tirelessly to make that vision a reality.Born January 16, 1955 in New York City and raised in the South Bronx, Jose Perez was born to parents that installed a daily dose of wisdom and work ethic to their children. Through their persistence, Jose Perez learned at an early age that perseverance, hard work and an optimistic attitude is vital in order to succeed as a family in the inner city. At the age of 12 years old, Jose Perez worked daily in his father’s grocery store. Conservatively saving the money he earned from working seven days a week, he was able to open his own C-Town Supermarket at the early age of 21.After successfully opening and running his first supermarket, Jose Perez went on to own and operate four supermarkets. Although, the supermarket business was a lucrative investment, Jose Perez started to see a problem that had not been adequately addressed throughout the South Bronx. Numerous neighborhoods desperately needed renewal and he felt he could steer Mastermind into a company with the ingenuity and resources required to engage in this project of urban development. With a clear vision aimed at the building and leasing of property to add to the rebirth of some of the most important communities in New York City, Jose began buying land at city auctions in 1990 and built his first structure in 1994. Once he started construction, he immediately found enormous interest in the properties from both local entrepreneurs and national retailers. Mastermind’s first building was leased a week after placing one ad in a local newspaper. After experiencing such a quick response and positive feedback from other members of the community, he immediately built and leased another commercial structure on a formally vacant and run down lot. Since then, Mastermind has continued to provide large retailers, religious organizations, social service organizations and dozens of local Businesses with locations throughout The Bronx.Today Jose Perez, develops residential, mixed use and commercial properties throughout many neighborhoods of The Bronx in an effort to increase the value, morale and quality of life of the entire borough. Through the company, Jose Perez employs over 70 people and is the C.E.O. of one of the most active real estate development and management companies based in The Bronx.Believing that everyone should have the opportunity to succeed, he has fostered economic opportunity and served in various capacities with numerous charitable organizations throughout The Bronx and other cities.Follow me Social media